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7 ways to stay fit in the office

April 7, 2019

When diplomatic representatives from 50 countries met to form the United Nations in San Francisco on 24th October 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health body. The World Health Organization’s Constitution came into effect on 7th April 1948 – a date that is now celebrated every year as World Health Day.

This year’s theme was ‘Universal Health Coverage: For Everyone, Everywhere’. To mark this day at OTB, we’ve taken a look at what you can do to remain fit and healthy within the confines of your office setting. Aside from those who have a naturally physically demanding job, most of us will spend up to eight hours a day in a sedentary state sitting at our desks.

Maintaining a work-life balance can be difficult at the best of times, particularly when work becomes increasingly hectic, and sometimes physical health is sacrificed for the sake of work output.

Here are seven simple measures that can be taken to improve your health and wellbeing while at work. We’ve tried and tested these ways to stay fit in the office here at Think OTB.

Rethink your commute

Your daily commute into the office can feel like an uphill struggle at the best of times. But it doesn’t have to be. Why not use your commute to kickstart a new health initiative? If you live within walking or cycling distance of work, ditch your car or usual public transport connection. If you live further afield and rely on public transport to get to work, get off a stop or two earlier from your destination and stretch your legs.

Nourish your soul with good food

When work becomes increasingly stressful, it can be tempting to seek light relief from a local café, fast food joint or restaurant at lunch. Preparing lunch at home is a great way to cut the inches on your waistline and save your wallet untold pounds, too.

Free yourself from your desk

While your workload may make leaving your desk feel like an impossible option, remaining at your desk is something which can have serious consequences on your health and productivity. It’s essential that you take a break. A short walk during the day can do wonders for your wellbeing. The wander will give you that added creative impetus that seemed so elusive at the start of the day.

Build an ergonomic desk

Transform your desk and say goodbye to its conventional limitations. With a little creative thinking, your desk can become so much more than a desk in the traditional sense. Modifications can transform it into a standing desk… you can even fit a specially converted bicycle underneath to keep your legs moving as you keep the wheels of industry turning.

Stand and stretch in equal measure

It may seem like a blessing to conduct your entire workday from the comfort of a chair. But, it can be incredibly detrimental. By standing up and stretching every couple of hours you will awaken your body and your mind will be more alert to the challenges of work.

Connect with colleagues

Everything is always easier when you’ve got the support of people around you. By starting an office wide health initiative and getting people involved, being active will no longer seem like a chore. Being active is a great way of bringing the team together. When you’re working out with people, it feels like less effort even if you’re pushing your body to its limits!

Take the scenic route around the office

Send your work to the farthest printer from your desk. Go and talk to someone instead of sending an email. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Be inventive. Every little change will add up!

By taking on board these simple tips, your daily workout won’t have to begin at the crack of dawn or after a stressful day at the office – you will be able to stay fit while at work… and your work will benefit!

Share your top tips for how to stay fit in the office with us @otbtweeter.


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