2019 Resolutions
The fog from a booze-fuelled Christmas and New Year’s Eve has now settled and our eyes are firmly set on 2019. People across the world are determined to make 2019 better than 2018; from health kicks to career aspirations, we’ve all got goals we want to accomplish.
Although our good intentions may fade into just a memory come the end of the year (or the start of February), we’re at least momentarily committed to the journey of self-improvement.
Here’s what some of the members of the OTB office want to do more/less of in 2019.
Luke Brown, Technical Director
My new year’s resolution is to try and wind my colleagues up less and be less sarcastic. This will be a tough ask for me as I do this a lot. As with most new year’s resolutions, I will in no doubt fail in the first week. I’m sure I’ll find some way to sarcastically wind Niall up! Sorry Niall!!
Dan Duggan, Senior Art Worker
I don’t do them, I always fail!
Samantha Holden, Senior Account Manager
My resolution is to look after myself a little bit better – get more rest, carve out me time and get my back fixed, so I feel better at work and at home.
Jennie Stubbs, Account Manager
I want to get fit and start playing netball more often, as well as getting back into drawing and painting because I had a real passion for it and I wasn’t too bad either!
Mark Davies, Managing Director
To be more supportive!
Niall Ballinger, Copywriter
I have two new year’s resolutions because I never usually make any… Firstly, I’d like to read more often. I don’t want to be another university graduate who fails to pick up a book again now that they’ve stopped studying! Secondly, I’d like to quit smoking; I’ve tried many times to no avail. I’d like to quit as it’s a pretty expensive form of prolonged self-harm.
Dave Easton, Creative Director
My resolution is to exercise more as I’m sure there’s a slimmer, fitter version of myself waiting to get out.
Sarah Shuck, Senior Account Manager
To be healthier, drink less wine during the week and see my friends more often.
Matt Sperling, Motion Design Intern
To go to the gym more and eat healthier (original, right?).
Jo Waddington, Managing Director
I would like to cook from scratch more often at home. Once the work schedule starts to pile up, it can become tempting to shove a ready meal in the microwave or stick a pizza in the oven. I plan to buck that trend and cook up something tasty at least three out of five times during the week!
We aren’t convinced that our resolutions will stand up to rigorous testing and temptation over the course of 2019. But, we wish everyone who is making a positive change with their 2019 resolutions the very best of luck!