ThinkOTB Agency

3 ways to make your marketing more effective

August 8, 2017

You used all the latest techniques to generate creative ideas. Then, you planned each stage of the campaign to bring these ideas to life. You successfully managed your cross-platform communication, and saw your campaign rolled out across multiple cities, countries, or maybe even continents.

But how effective was your campaign? What tools did you use to measure such effectiveness? How did you choose the most relevant measurement for your strategy? These are the questions that so often get forgotten in the excitement of managing a marketing campaign. Yet. they’re vital to measure not only the effectiveness of your campaign. You also need these answers to gain insights for your next venture.

Here are three ways you can increase your marketing effectiveness:

Use social listening to increase content effectiveness

Back in 2016, we wrote about the importance of social listening. It helped marketers looking to better understand the thoughts and interests of their customers. We talked about the value of generating data from the social media content put out into the online sphere. The Drum recently pointed to the example of Mother Dairy, an Indian ice cream brand. They were able to utilise social listening to create real-time campaigns built to target customer interests in a given moment.

By analysing moments their consumers were interested in talking about or reading, the brand was able to generate appropriate content from ‘international shows, movie releases to memes and internet sensations. ’ These were all carried out with ‘limited but precise’ spending. With ‘new-age content’ seen as ‘not only giving traction but also becoming a new means of initiating conversations between the brand and its consumers,’ brands like these are forging new ways to increase content effectiveness.

If you buy into video, spend your money wisely

Marketing Week reported last week that ‘in 2016, spend on mobile video ads more than doubled (up 103%) to £693m, making it the fastest growing ad format in the UK.’ Now amounting to 29% of the total growth in digital ad spending, the importance of video marketing cannot be ignored.

With such vast sums being invested in the platform, it is little wonder that marketers are keen to ensure that they receive a strong return on investment from their video strategy. Yet Marketing Week suggests that ‘many marketers are scratching their heads when it comes to understanding how to successfully measure video effectiveness,’ with many marketers still relying heavily on video completion rates as the primary source of data.

In order for measurement to keep up with the pace of investment, Marketing Week argues that the industry needs to devise new metrics for measurement. Technology like Realeyes, a software which uses peoples’ webcams to measure their emotional responses to a video, is becoming increasingly utilised as a measurement tool, with advancements in tech opening new ways to boost marketing effectiveness.

Streamline processes with Marketing Resource Management (MRM)

A recent whitepaper written by software provider Infor for Marketing Week has argued that ‘many marketing organisations struggle with TMCITK syndrome’, that is, Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen. Infor suggests that ‘when marketing decisions are made by the loudest person in the room instead of data-driven recommendations, it’s easy to run into issues that may ultimately affect your Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI).’

Infor believes that in a multi-channel world, marketers need to create better visibility. This is done by tracking costs and managing budgets holistically, deliver real-time reporting and analytics, prioritise workloads and pivot active marketing efforts to drive more value. Yet this is a tall order for many marketing agencies and departments. They have multiple teams, needs and agendas of their own, and often find themselves deeply siloed and struggling to coordinate their roles.

If you want to increase your marketing effectiveness, get in touch with the team of expert creatives at Think OTB.


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